Creating a Polaroid using an Action in Photoshop

Although the technology is now obsolete, many enjoy the look of a polaroid photo. You can cheat and create this easily in InDesign – simply crete a white box and place it behind your photo so that it lines up similarly to how a Polaroid looks. However, it’s hard to replicate the exact look in this way.

Instead, one of our FutureBook Reps, Kevin, found an Action online that you can download here

While it’s a free download created by an amateur artist, you have the opportunity to pay for the download via donation.

Using Photoshop Actions can make your job easier and help you edit your photos more quickly. Actions are nothing more than a series of normal Photoshop operations recorded so that you can run them in sequence quickly, without having to remember just what steps to do, and in what order.

Open up your photo(s) in Photoshop.

Go to Window>Actions

Using the fly-out menu, chose Load Actions and locate your file.

Open the set of Actions so that you can see all the various steps.

Click on the first listing (T600 Wide Format), hold down your shift key and select the rest of the listing, to (Finish INDOOR)

Click on the play button (right arrow) listed at the bottom of the Actions window.

Sit back and watch the operations go through! At one point you may be prompted to click ‘continue.’

Are there Actions you like to use? Have you created your own action?

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