Video yearbooks: the future of school yearbooks is here

Video yearbooks? What took so long, you might be wondering. Well, actually, video yearbooks have been around for a couple of years, pioneered by FutureBook in 2012. But this year, we made some great improvements!

moviebook video yearbook ladysmith
The slim new 2″x 3″ video yearbook features the video player embedded into the cover—front or back, your choice—and flush with the cover, seamlessly blending into the endsheet. It has three video “channels,” a mini SD card, a lithium rechargeable battery, a wee cord to recharge the battery and an earphone jack.

Here’s why this is so cool:

  • You know that yearbook deadlines fall in April for books delivered in June, right? Well, the SD cards ship separately. This means that you can film your grad ceremony, upload it to the SD card, and when the yearbooks arrive, pop that SD card into the books and distribute them with the ENTIRE school year represented in the yearbook. Pretty amazing.
  • Schools can load the three “channels” with three different videos—say, a sports highlights reel, a theatre or dance performance and the grad ceremony—or, students can upload their own videos on their own home computer.
  • An easily accessible battery that’s rechargeable (and replaceable) means that your children will be able to watch your high school videos. Who knows if YouTube or Facebook will exist in their current iterations with your videos uploaded, in twenty years? Having a self-sufficient video player means that as long as you have your yearbook (in a dry, safe place), you’ll have the audio and video, too. It’s nice to have all your memorabilia contained in one place.*
  • The sound quality on the video yearbook is pretty great. For an even better experience, plug in some great earphones and get lost in nostalgia!

Video yearbooks are accessible for every school. Contact us at 1-877-855-2665 or email us at to find out how your school can receive its own yearbook worthy of the future!

*To further compartmentalize and protect your memories, add a magnetic-closure name-plated GradBox to your order (another feature only available through FutureBook). It can contain your video yearbook, photos, grad cap and diploma, keeping them all safe and organized for generations. It can even contain your video player, shown in this design for Andrews High School in Texas:

grad box video yearbook


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