So, you’re thinking of joining us for FutureBook’s 5th Annual 3-day Yearbook Summer Workshop. Smart thinking!
If you are a student, some of the likely reasons you are wanting to join us are to:
- learn industry software skills, which could lead you to a new career or help you to get a cool job.
- learn design theory and skills which can apply to anything creative you will do.
- learn so much about making a yearbook that you will feel empowered rather than intimidated in the school year, thereby meeting deadlines and making the process more fun and less stressful.
- meet like-minded students, make friends, share ideas, and build networks for yourself that can help you throughout your education and careers.
- learn new things that your yearbook teacher or advisor might not focus on in the school year.
- enjoy the perfect segue in between fun summer and studious fall: it’s a mix of both!
- a chance to win prizes!
If you’re an advisor, some of the likely reasons you are wanting to join us are to:
- learn industry software skills to nicely flesh out your superhero teacher status.
- learn design theory and skills which can apply to anything creative you will do.
- share ideas with other yearbook advisors on how to teach classes or run a yearbook programme.
- network with people in your field.
- find new ideas and get ramped up for the new school year, with great plans in place to keep on target, making yearbooking more fun than stressful.

Our focus will be to produce one double-page spread and one photograph to enter our layout and photography contests. The winning student entries will be chosen by the course instructors, who will pick three layout winners and one photo winner with a honourable mention or two. First place prizes are valued at around $200!
In order to make an award-winning spread, we will show beginners and advanced users how to use InDesign (or Scribus or FutureBook’s yearbook program, if that’s what you’ll be using in the year), we will show you advanced PhotoShop skills, how to set up portrait pages, how to use colour and typography in savvy and design-current ways, how to take and edit great photos, and of course we will show you how to organize and manage the entire project that is yearbooking. You’ll learn all terminology related to yearbooks and printing.

Sleeping at St. Michaels University School’s charming campus for two nights will be fun and comfortable, with bright and spacious rooms for two, with a shared private bathroom. Each yearbook workshop guest will enjoy three healthy meals a day plus snacks, with vegetarian options and accommodations made for wheat or dairy allergies. Please let us know in advance if you will be needing accommodations, so that we can best plan some tasty meals for you.
Any non-Victoria-located yearbook workshop guests will be picked up from the ferries.
For more information about any aspect of FutureBook’s summer yearbook workshop, please contact Kevin Betteridge at 778-926-3292 or by email at kevin@futurebookyearbooks.com.

Also, please download and print off the enrolment form so that we can secure your spot right away!
See you there!