Registration is open for FutureBook’s 2012 Summer Workshop!

How would you like to stimulate your ideas for your 2013 yearbook? Are you just starting out with yearbook, or are looking to network and expand your existing knowledge? Register for FutureBook’s annual summer workshop today!

The 2012 FutureBook Summer Yearbook Workshop is a comprehensive, four-day seminar that will cover all aspects of yearbook planning and production. Participants will receive high quality training from industry professionals, and leave the workshop equipped with new computer skills, fresh ideas and a motivation to create the best yearbook to date at their schools!

The workshop will be held on the beautiful campus of St. Michaels University School in Victoria, BC, from August 20-23, 2012. Join us for a fun-filled learning experience that will help make your 2012-2013 yearbook an enjoyable and successful production. Click here to download our form:  2012 FutureBook Workshop

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